Thursday, November 27, 2014


I was thinking about Ferguson today. It's hard for me to accept that things like this still go on.  There are people obviously who still prefer not to expect better.   They prefer to blame someone, anyone with their lack of achievement or failure to succeed.  Well it would be better if when we meet someone we expected the very best from them regardless of descriptive attributes such as color of hair, height, weight, eye color, or race.  I truly don't decide to like or dislike someone based on these attributes.  If they are nice to me then I am nice to them.  If we have common interest and opportunity exists we may become friends.  Please people let's start today being the neighbor Jesus asked us to be to others.  Don't wait for someone else to do it, let's do it ourself.  Draw a line between yesterday and tomorrow and make a difference in the world.  Each little difference will improve the world for our kids and their kids.  


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